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Terrarium Plant Library

Terrarium Plant Guide / Terrarium Plant Database

A terrarium plant database to help you find the best plants for your terrarium. Check out our guide to the best plants for terrariums and information on how to care for terrarium plants.

Featured Terrarium Plants

Another popular indoor houseplant, the Golden Pothos is a low maintenance and attractive vine plant that is often also known as Devil's Ivy.
Learn how to care for Crispy Wave Fern (Asplenium nidus) in terrariums and as a house plant.
Learn how to care for Lemon Button Ferns in terrariums and where to buy Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’, (Lemon Button Ferns).
Learn how to care for Syngonium Pixie plants in terrariums and as a house plant.
If you are looking for an interesting and low-maintenance plant to add to your terrarium, consider the Syngonium Arrowhead.
If you're thinking of adding a Boston Fern to your terrarium, here's what you need to know about care and where to buy them.

Plants for Open Terrariums

If you're looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant, philodendron micans is a great option. This plant does well in Terrariums and requires very little maintenance.
A delicate appearing air plant with a unique set of strkking leaves growing upwards in a cone like fashion. A great air plant for open terrariums.
The Ghost Orchid is a rare and spectacular Orchid suited to a terrarium environment. These beautiful plants are rare and hard to source, but well worth the effort thanks to their impressive flower display.
A popular air plant with spiky leaves and a silvery appearance. When about to flower, these amazing air plants change to a shade of deep red before flowering yellow, purple or white.
Another popular indoor houseplant, the Golden Pothos is a low maintenance and attractive vine plant that is often also known as Devil's Ivy.
Venus Fly Traps are great for terrariums, open and closed. Venus Fly Traps don't require too much humidity but do generally like a humid environment. Open terrariums work particularly well with Venus Fly Traps.

Plants for Closed Terrariums

Looking for a care guide for Plagiomnium cuspidatum moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Plagiomnium cuspidatum moss healthy and thriving.
Looking for a care guide for Tortula ruralis moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Tortula ruralis moss healthy and thriving.
Looking for a care guide for Bryoandersonia illecebra moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Bryoandersonia illecebra moss healthy and thriving.
Grow your own Bladderworts carnivorous plants inside a terrarium with these simple tips for care.
American Pitcher Plants are a great house plant variety and do well in terrariums too. They can grow tall, so keep this in mind.
An excellent houseplant and terrarium plant. The Pearls and Jade Pothos features blotchy white and green leaves with specks throughout.

Moss for Terrariums

Looking for a care guide for Didymodon rigidulus moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Didymodon rigidulus moss healthy and thriving.
Looking for a care guide for Pogonatum aloides moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Pogonatum aloides moss healthy and thriving.
Looking for a care guide for Atrichum undulatum moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Atrichum undulatum moss healthy and thriving.
Looking for a care guide for Thuidium tamariscinum moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Thuidium tamariscinum moss healthy and thriving.
Looking for a care guide for Hylocomium splendens moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Hylocomium splendens moss healthy and thriving.
Looking for a care guide for Aulacomnium palustre moss in terrariums? Look no further! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about keeping your Aulacomnium palustre moss healthy and thriving.

Orchids for Terrariums

Masdevallia Nidifica are an excellent terrarium plant, usually gound naturally in mountainous forest and cloud areas. Nidifica Orchids can thrive in a terrarium when the conditions are right.
The Ghost Orchid is a rare and spectacular Orchid suited to a terrarium environment. These beautiful plants are rare and hard to source, but well worth the effort thanks to their impressive flower display.
Lightning Jewel Orchids make for a spectacular terrarium plant thanks to their impressive and unique leafy foliage. For this reason, Lightning Jewel Orchids are often grown as indoor plants.
One of the smallest Orchid varieties you can find, the minature Masdevallia Corazonica is an epiphyte, orginally found in Ecuador.
Jewel Orchids are not only an excellent indoor house plant, they make for great terrarium plants too. These somewhat rare (although increasingly becoming readily available) Orchids are an excellent addition to terrariums when cared for correctly.
A popular terrarium plant, Dracula Orchids thrive in humidity of 75% to 80% and cool temperatures of 50 to 77F (10 to 25 C).

Ferns for Terrariums

Spider ferns (Arachniodes simplicior), also known as bird's nest ferns, are a type of epiphyte. Great for terrariums!
Learn how to care for Lemon Button Ferns in terrariums and where to buy Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’, (Lemon Button Ferns).
Learn how to care for Crispy Wave Fern (Asplenium nidus) in terrariums and as a house plant.
If you're thinking of adding a Boston Fern to your terrarium, here's what you need to know about care and where to buy them.

Carnivourous Plants for Terrariums

The Australian Pitcher Plant is a small and low growing carnivorous species perfect for terrariums due to its compact size.
Grow your own Bladderworts carnivorous plants inside a terrarium with these simple tips for care.
American Pitcher Plants are a great house plant variety and do well in terrariums too. They can grow tall, so keep this in mind.
Venus Fly Traps are great for terrariums, open and closed. Venus Fly Traps don't require too much humidity but do generally like a humid environment. Open terrariums work particularly well with Venus Fly Traps.
Great for terrariums, the Sun Pitcher Plant (Heliamphora) is an exotic pitcher plant growing among the clouds of South America.
Butterworts are tiny and compact, great for terrariums due to their small size and unique flowering.

Air Plants for Terrariums

A delicate appearing air plant with a unique set of strkking leaves growing upwards in a cone like fashion. A great air plant for open terrariums.
An amazing low maintenance air plant, the Tillandsia Streptophylla features curly green leaves and is often referred to as the Shirley Temple plant.
A delicate air plant of the Tillandsia Species. The Tillandsia Houston features fine wispy leaves and bright pink flower. A fantastic terrarium air plant.
A rare air plant variety featuring striking leaves and a deep coloured flower of pink or purple. One of the larger air plant varieties and great for open terrariums.
A popular air plant with spiky leaves and a silvery appearance. When about to flower, these amazing air plants change to a shade of deep red before flowering yellow, purple or white.
A small and unique air plant variety, the Tillandsia Scaposa that works well in open terrarium and are easy to care for.

Succulent Plants for Terrariums

A tropical semi-succulent and compact plant that grows well in terrariums. Dark emerald green leaves can often change to bright red colour.
Moon Valley Friendship Plants, also known as Pilea involucrata, are tropical plants that can be grown in terrariums.

Foliage Plants for Terrariums

A stunning terrarium compatible plant with crinkled and rippled leaf texture and a mesmerising mosaic tile pattern through its leaf colouring.
If you're thinking of adding a Boston Fern to your terrarium, here's what you need to know about care and where to buy them.
Moon Valley Friendship Plants, also known as Pilea involucrata, are tropical plants that can be grown in terrariums.
Learn how to care for Lemon Button Ferns in terrariums and where to buy Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’, (Lemon Button Ferns).
Learn how to care for Crispy Wave Fern (Asplenium nidus) in terrariums and as a house plant.
A tropical wonder with disc shaped emereld green leaves featuring unique silver rays throughout. Calethea Orbifolia are a great indoor houseplant and also do well in terrariums.

Vine Plants for Terrariums

If you are looking for an interesting and low-maintenance plant to add to your terrarium, consider the Syngonium Arrowhead.
A tropical wonder with disc shaped emereld green leaves featuring unique silver rays throughout. Calethea Orbifolia are a great indoor houseplant and also do well in terrariums.
An excellent houseplant and terrarium plant. The Pearls and Jade Pothos features blotchy white and green leaves with specks throughout.
Another popular indoor houseplant, the Golden Pothos is a low maintenance and attractive vine plant that is often also known as Devil's Ivy.
If you're looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant, philodendron micans is a great option. This plant does well in Terrariums and requires very little maintenance.
A popular houseplant, the Tradescantia Zebrina makes for an excellent terrarium plant too. Sometimes referred to as the inchplant.

Tropical Plants for Terrariums

Great for terrariums, the Sun Pitcher Plant (Heliamphora) is an exotic pitcher plant growing among the clouds of South America.
Another popular indoor houseplant, the Golden Pothos is a low maintenance and attractive vine plant that is often also known as Devil's Ivy.
Jewel Orchids are not only an excellent indoor house plant, they make for great terrarium plants too. These somewhat rare (although increasingly becoming readily available) Orchids are an excellent addition to terrariums when cared for correctly.
If you are looking for an interesting and low-maintenance plant to add to your terrarium, consider the Syngonium Arrowhead.
A miniature Orchid plant which will grow well in a terrarium environment. Masdevallia Decumana Orchids are epiphytes so they don’t necessarily need soil to grow and thrive.
Learn how to care for Crispy Wave Fern (Asplenium nidus) in terrariums and as a house plant.

Popular Terrarium Plants

Fittonia albivenis

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Fittonia plants, also known as nerve plant or mosaic plant, are perfect additions to terrariums. Fittonia plants have attractive, variegated foliage with colors ranging from dark green to light pink. Their pointed leaves grow up towards the light while their stems spread outward, making them perfect for adding texture and interest to terrariums. Read more here >

Syngonium Pixie

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Syngonium pixie, or Syngonium podophyllum ‘Pixie’, is a popular houseplant that is well-suited to terrariums. It is a tropical evergreen climber with intricately patterned foliage in shades of green, pink, and cream. The foliage is shaped like arrowheads. Read more here >

Boston Fern

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Boston ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata) are an excellent choice for terrariums due to their lush, bright green foliage and low-maintenance care. Originally from tropical areas in Africa, South America, and the Caribbean, Boston ferns can tolerate warm temperatures and high humidity levels – perfect for a terrarium environment. Read more here >

Vines / Climbing Plants

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Vines and climbing plants are another great option when it comes to terrariums. They’re easy to care for and they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors—perfect for creating a lush look in your terrarium without taking up too much space.

Carnivorous Plants

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Carnivorous plants are a great choice if you’re looking for something a bit more unusual. These plants get their nutrition from insects and other small animals, so they require very little care and maintenance once established.

Air Plants / Succulents

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Succlents are a great low maintenance terrarium plant. Air plants are also a great choice. Air plants don’t need soil to grow and get all their nutrients from the air—making them perfect for terrariums! Though keep in mind, too much moisture will cause rotting. 

Tropical Plants

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Ferns and tropical plants are great for adding a bit of color and texture to your terrarium. For those wanting something with more of a cascading effect in their terrariums, creeping vines or trailing plants are ideal options. 


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Mosses are some of the most popular choices when it comes to terrarium plants. They’re easy to care for and don’t require too much light or water—perfect for those who don’t have a lot of time for maintenance. Plus, they come in a variety of colors and sizes so you can create the perfect aesthetic in your terrarium. 


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Orchids are some of the most popular terrarium plants, thanks to their vibrant colors and unique shapes. While they do require a bit more care than other terrarium plants, with the right setup you can create an exotic look that will bring life to your home for years to come.

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