There are a variety of plants that can be used for miniature gardens and terrariums. When choosing plants, think about the size of the pot or container you will be using, and then select plants that will fit well in that space.
What are the best plants for miniature gardens and terrariums?
There is no one “best” plant for terrariums, as there are many factors to consider when choosing plants for this type of garden. Some things to keep in mind include the size of the terrarium, the amount of light it receives, and the level of humidity. The same goes for when selecting miniature plants for a garden – find the miniature plants that will thrive in the environment you are placing in. It can take a bit of time and research to find the right miniature plants, but it’s well worth the effort!
How do you make a miniature garden?
There are many ways to make a miniature garden, and the type of garden you make will depend on the plants you choose and the space you have available. If you are using a terrarium, you will need to choose plants that do well in humid environments. If you are making a miniature garden outdoors, you will need to select plants that can tolerate the amount of sun or shade in your particular location.
Are there many miniature plants?
Yes, there are many miniature plants that can be used for terrariums and other small gardens. A miniature garden can have almost any type of plant, as long as it is small enough to fit in the space. Some popular miniature plants include succulents, cacti, ferns, ivy, orchids, bonsai, moss and more.
Read on for some great examples of plants that work well in terrariums and miniature gardens, or head straight to our Terrarium Plant Library for a range of terrarium suitable plants.
Popular Miniature Plants
Some Of Our Top Regarded Miniature Plants for Terrariums and Miniature Indoor Gardens

Viola is a genus of flowering plants that includes the pansy. These plants come in a wide range of colors, and they are often used as ornamental plants. Pansies can be found in shades of blue, purple, red, white, and yellow. The size of viola pansies will vary depending on the variety, but they typically grow to be around 1-2 inches tall. Find Viola (pansies) on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.

Polemonium is a genus of flowering plants that includes Jacob’s ladder. These plants are native to Europe and Asia, and they grow best in cool, shady conditions. Polemonium plants will typically grow to be around 2-3 inches tall. Find Polemonium on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.

Saxifraga (strawberry begonia)
Saxifraga is a genus of flowering plants that includes the strawberry begonia. These plants are native to Asia, and they grow best in cool, shady conditions. The size of strawberry begonia plants will vary depending on the variety, but they typically grow to be around 3-4 inches tall. Find Strawberry Begonia on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.
Fittonia are a great choice for miniature garden plants. These plants thrive in moist, shady conditions, and they can be used to add color and texture to any garden. Fittonia plants can reach a height of up to 8 inches, and there are many varieties of Fittonia that stay relatively compact. Fittonia albivenis (nerve plant) is a popular choice for miniature gardens. Find Fittonia on Etsy, eBay and Amazon. Read our care guide for Fittonia here >

Polka dot plants (Hypoestes phyllostachya) are a great choice for miniature garden plants because they are easy to care for and they come in a wide range of colors. These plants thrive in moist, shady conditions. Polka dot plants (Hypoestes phyllostachya) can grow up to 12 inches tall. Find Polka Dot Plants on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.
Compact Mosses

Mosses are small, low-growing plants that often form dense mats. There are many different types of moss, and they come in a variety of colors. Mosses can grow quite quickly but are usually compact, depending on the variety. Some mosses may grow less than an inch per year, while others may grow up to several inches per year. You can find a wide variety of live mosses on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.
If you want to know more about the different moss species that work well in terrariums, visit our Terrarium Plant Library >
Ferns are a great option for miniature gardens and terrariums because there are so many different varieties to choose from. Some ferns stay small and compact, while others can grow quite large. Be sure to choose a fern that will fit well in your pot or container.
Some of the most popular miniature fern varieties include:

The Boston Fern is a classic choice for terrariums and miniature gardens. It has long, lacy leaves and can grow up to 12 inches tall. You can find live Boston ferns on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.

The Button Fern is a small, compact fern that only grows to be about 6 inches tall. It has round, green leaves that give it a unique look. You can find live Button Ferns on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.

The Maidenhair Fern is a delicate-looking fern that can grow up to 2 feet tall. It has thin, black stems and delicate leaves that are often used in floral arrangements. You can find live Maidenhair Fern plants on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.
Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous plants are a fun option for miniature gardens and terrariums. These plants get their nutrients from bugs and insects, so they don’t need much fertilizer or soil. Check out our Terrarium Plant Library for a range of carnivorous plants for miniature gardens and terrariums. Some of the most popular carnivorous plant varieties include:

The Venus Flytrap is one of the most famous carnivorous plants. It has leaves that snap shut when an insect lands on them. These plants can be kept quite compact and there are some miniature varieties. You can find live varieties of Venus Flytrap on Etsy, eBay and Amazon. You can also read our care guide here >

This pitcher plant is a small, compact variety that only grows to be about 3 inches tall. It has dark green leaves and produces small, white flowers. You can find live varieties of Pitcher Plants on Etsy, eBay and Amazon, or read our care guide here >

The Sundew Plant is another carnivorous plant that gets its nutrients from insects. It has sticky leaves that trap bugs and then dissolve them. These plants can be quite small, with some only growing to be about an inch tall. Find Sundew Plants on Etsy, eBay and Amazon, or read our care guide here.

Ivy is a climbing plant that can be trained to grow on trellises, fences, and other structures. Ivy comes in many different colors and varieties. Some Ivy are more compact than others, making them a good choice for miniature gardens and terrariums. There are lots of varieties of Ivy available on Etsy, eBay and Amazon. You can find lots of cuttings from local sellers on eBay in particular.
Succulents are drought-tolerant plants that come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors. Because they store water in their leaves, they are perfect for growing in dry, sunny areas. Some of the most popular succulent varieties include:

Echeveria is a type of succulent that comes in many different colors and shapes. Some can be quite small, with some only growing to be about an inch tall. You can find a variety of Echeveria succulents on Etsy, eBay and Amazon.

Peperomia is a compact succulent that only grows to be about 6 inches tall. It has thick, fleshy leaves and comes in many different colors. Amazon, eBay and Etsy all have different varieties of Peperomia plants on offer.
Cacti are a type of succulent that is native to the desert regions of the Americas. These plants come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, and they are often used as ornamental plants. There are heaps of Cacti on sale in marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon and eBay.
Lithops are small, succulent plants that resemble stones or pebbles. These plants are native to Africa, and they thrive in sunny, dry conditions. eBay, Amazon and Etsy have a variety of live Lithops and Lithop seeds for sale.
Crassula are small, succulent plants that come in a wide range of colors and shapes. These plants are native to Africa, and they grow best in sunny, dry conditions. Super easy to care for, and easy to find on Etsy, Amazon and eBay.
Sempervivum are small, succulent plants that resemble hens or chicks. These plants are native to Europe and Asia, and they grow best in cool but sunny positions. Find live Sempervivum plants and seeds on eBay, Etsy and Amazon.
Haworthia are small, succulent plants that resemble zebra stripes. These plants are native to Africa, and they grow best in sunny, dry conditions. Find varieties of Haworthia on eBay, Etsy and Amazon.
Panda plants (Kalanchoe tomentosa) are a great choice for miniature gardens because they are small, compact, and come in a variety of colors. They are also drought-tolerant plants, which makes them perfect for sunny areas. Find the right Kalanchoe plant on eBay, Etsy and Amazon.
Bonsai trees
Bonsai trees are miniature trees that are grown in pots or containers. These plants are trained to grow in a certain way, and they can be kept small through regular pruning. Bonsai trees are generally expensive however you can find some live bonsai trees on eBay, Etsy and Amazon. You could also try growing your own with some Bonsai seeds.

Orchids are a type of plant that comes in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors. These plants are native to tropical regions, and they require warm, humid conditions to thrive. There are lots of Orchids available for sale on eBay, Etsy and Amazon. You can also read about a variety of Orchids suitable for terrariums and miniature gardens in our Terrarium Plant Library >
As you can see, there are a wide variety of plants that are perfect for growing in miniature gardens and terrariums. These plants come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, and they can be used to create a variety of different looks. Whether you want a lively, colorful garden or a more subdued and naturalistic one, you can find the perfect plants to suit your needs.
Know of some other great plants for miniature gardens? Let us know in the comments!
Not sure where to start? Check out our Terrarium Plant Library >