Propagate Your Plants in Style

Looking to add a touch of style to your propagation station? Look no further than the Plantern! This illuminated propagation stand is perfect for adding a little light to your growing plants. Just add a recycled bottle or jar and a plant cutting, and you’re ready to go. The battery-powered string lights provide just the right amount of illumination, making it easy to track the progress of your plants’ roots.
You can find the Plantern Illuminated Propogation Stand on Etsy!
Propagating Plants in Glass Jars and Recycled Bottles
Starting a new plant from a cutting is a simple and rewarding way to add variety to your garden, and propagating in glass jars is a beautiful way to showcase your new plants. To get started, fill a jar with clean water and snip a healthy stem from an existing plant. Remove any leaves from the bottom portion of the stem, then place it in the water. Place the jar in a bright spot out of direct sunlight, and check the water level every few days, topping off as needed. After a few weeks, you should see new roots growing in the water. At this point, you can transplant your new plant into soil. Be sure to gently rinse off any roots before potting, as they are delicate and easily damaged. With a little care and patience, you’ll be able to propagate any number of beautiful plants in glass jars.