Price: $9.99USD
Anthuriums are flowering plants that are native to the Americas. They are part of the Araceae family, which contains aroids and Philodendron. Anthuriums are known for their brightly colored flowers, which can be red, pink, orange, or white. The flowers are borne on a spadix, which is a thick, fleshy stalk that is surrounded by a modified leaf called a bract. The bracts can be red, pink, purple, or green.
Having the right potting soil is key to growing a healthy anthurium plant. Because they are epiphytes that grow on tree trunks in South America, anthuriums have different needs when it comes to potting media than other houseplants. They love moisture, but too much moisture can kill them. This makes commercial potting soil a poor choice, as it often lacks adequate drainage and retains too much water.
To help your anthuriums flourish, it is recommended to repot anthuriums that have been purchased from nurseries or garden centers in a high-quality Anthurium Mix. Large garden centers and nurseries often plant in commercial soils out of convenience and their environments can lend to pest and soil diseases.
This potting mix from PlantAnswers includes:
• Coconut Coir Pith
• Fine Orchid Bark
• Perlite (Triple washed to eliminate harmful fluoride levels)
• Pumice
• Coarse Peat Moss
• Fertilizer Starter Charge (Trace Amounts)

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