You can find some amazing rare plants online..
When it comes to buying rare indoor and terrarium plants, the internet is one of the best places to find them. If you’re looking for a unique indoor plant or terrarium plant, take a look at this list of 20+ plants that are hard to find in stores.
What makes a plant rare?
A plant is rare if it is not common in cultivation or in the wild. Many rare plants are endangered, which means they are at risk of becoming extinct. While there are many reasons why a plant might be rare, some of the most common include habitat loss, pollution, and changes in climate.
Variegated plants are rare because they contain more than one type of pigmentation in their leaves. This can occur naturally or through human intervention, but the result is always an eye-catching plant that is unusual and often coveted by gardeners. The most common type of variegation is known as ‘chimerism,’ which occurs when two genetically different cells fuse together during early development. This rare event often leads to a plant that has both green and yellow leaves, or even leaves that are red and green. While the variegation may make the plant more attractive, it can also cause problems with photosynthesis and lead to a weaker plant. As a result, variegated plants are often rare and sought-after by collectors.
Rare plants are often difficult to propagate and may have specific requirements for growth. As a result, they can be difficult to care for and may only be found in specialized gardens or nurseries. However, the rarity of a plant can also make it a valuable addition to any garden. Rare plants often have unique features that make them stand out from more common varieties. For plant enthusiasts, the challenge of growing a rare plant can be its own reward.
Where to Search And Tips For Buying Rare Plants Online
Our top 3 places to search for rare indoor and terrarium plants are eBay, Etsy and Amazon. Try searching for rare terrarium plants or rare indoor plants on eBay – it’s surprising how many people are exchanging plants online.
You can find a wide variety of unusual and hard-to-find plants that will add a touch of character to your home. Best of all, these platforms make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, whether you’re searching for a specific plant species or simply browsing for inspiration.
When buying rare indoor and terrarium plants online, there are a few things to keep in mind.
- First, make sure to do your research so you know what you’re getting. As we mentioned earlier, some rare plants require particular care.
- Second, be prepared to pay a bit more for rare plants than you would for common ones. They are rare! So they often come at a higher price.
- And third, be patient – it may take some time to find the perfect plant for your home, especially if you are on the hunt for some of the rarest and most beautiful indoor and terrarium plants available.
Read on for some of the most well-known rare indoor and terrarium plants, with quick links to help speed up your search to find the perfect rare plant online.
Rare Indoor Plants You Can Find Online

Monstero Albo Variegata
Monstero albo variegata plants are expensive because they are a rare type of plant that is not often found in stores. They are popular among collectors because of their unique white and green leaves. Variegation is when there are two colors present in the leaves of a plant. Most plants that are variegated have one dominant color with patches or streaks of another color. The Monstero albo variegata plant’s pattern is generally the opposite to the usual Monstera, with more white than green.

Monstera Thai Constellation
The Monstera Thai Constellation is a rare plant that is native to Thailand and is known for its beautiful, variegated leaves. Monstera Thai Constellation plants are some of the most expensive indoor plants on the market. They are prized for their unique variegated leaves, which are said to resemble the stars in the constellation Orion.

Monstera Aurea Variegata
Monstera aurea variegata are so rare because they are a genetic mutation of the Monstera deliciosa plant. They are less common because they are a new discovery and difficult to propagate. However, the leaves of this plant are simply gorgeous! They have golden yellow and creamy white variegation. If you are lucky enough to find one of these plants for sale, be prepared to pay a high price.

Monstera Sport
The Monstera Sport plant has green or light yellow variegation. It is a mutation of the Monstera deliciosa plant. Generally pretty rare, and often only available through cuttings from existing plants.

Philodendron White Princess
The leaves of the Philodendron White Princess are speckled with white dots. This makes the plant very unique and attractive. It is a climbing plant, so it needs something to support it.

Philodendron Melanochrysum
The Philodendron melanochrysum plant is a rare and expensive plant because it is a visually spectacular mutation of the Philodendron plant. The leaves of this plant are dark green with light green veins. This makes the plant very unique and sought-after by collectors.

Philodendron Gloriosum
The Philodendron gloriosum plant is a rare and expensive plant because of its huge heart-shaped leaves with white veining. A crawler, rather than a climber.

Anthurium Veitchii
The Anthurium Veitchii is a rare plant that is native to the Philippines. It is known for its beautiful, heart-shaped leaves that are variegated with white and green.

Anthurium Warocqueanum
The Anthurium Warocqueanum is a rare plant that is native to Colombia. Also known for its beautiful, heart-shaped leaves that are variegated with white and green. However, the leaves of this plant are even larger than those of the Anthurium Veitchii. Consequently, it is even more prized by collectors.

Monstera Adansonii Variegata Archipelago
The Monstera Adansonii Variegata Archipelago is a rare and expensive plant because of its beautiful white splotchy variegation, originating from Japan. It is a mutation of the Monstera Adansonii plant, which is native to Africa.

Monstera Obliqua Peruvian Form
The Monstera Obliqua Peruvian form is a very rare plant because it is a mutation of the Monstera obliqua plant. It is native to Peru and has beautiful variegated leaves. The leaves are green with white spots and streaks and are very eye-catching. This plant is difficult to find and is very expensive.

Variegated Syngonium
The Variegated Syngonium is a rare plant that is native to South America. It is known for its beautiful, variegated leaves. The leaves are green with white or cream-colored streaks. There are also a variety of variegation colours from white to pink.
Rare and Interesting Terrarium Plants
If you’re looking for something a little different for your terrarium, then you might want to consider adding some rare and unusual plants. These plants can be difficult to find, but they are definitely worth the effort.
Some of our favorite rare and unusual terrarium plants include bromeliads, gesneriads, and orchids. You can see more rare and unusual plants for terrariums in our Terrarium Plant Library >

Carnivorous Plants
When it comes to adding carnivorous plants to your terrarium, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, carnivorous plants need lots of light. They also need to be kept moist, but not wet. If you can provide these conditions, then you can successfully grow carnivorous plants in your terrarium. One of the most popular carnivorous plants is the Venus flytrap. You can see more carnivorous plants for terrariums in our Terrarium Plant Library!

Tropical Pitcher Plant
The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant that is native to the United States. It gets its name from the pitcher-shaped leaves that it uses to trap and digest insects. Pitcher plants are relatively easy to care for, but they do need a lot of light and humidity, and regular feeding (insects!). Read our care guide here for more information.

Venus Flytrap
The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant that is native to the United States. It gets its name from its leaves, which are shaped like traps that close when an insect lands on them. These plants are relatively easy to care for, but they do need a lot of light and humidity. They also need to be fed insects regularly, so if you’re not into that, this plant is probably not for you. Read our care guide here for more information.

Rare Bergonia Varieties
If you’re looking for something really different, then you might want to consider adding some rare Bergonia varieties to your terrarium. Bergonia is a genus of plants that includes some very unusual species. For example, Bergonia ciliata is a plant that produces pink flowers with blue centers. Another popular variety is Bergonia stellata, which has beautiful star-shaped flowers.

Rare Bromeliads
Bromeliads are a type of plant that is native to Central and South America. There are over 3,000 species of bromeliads, and they come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. Bromeliads are epiphytes, which means that they grow on other plants or objects. One of the most popular bromeliads is the Tillandsia, which is also known as the air plant. Tillandsias are very easy to care for and make a great addition to any open terrarium. Read more about air plants in our Terrarium Plant Library >

Gesneriads are a type of plant that is native to Central and South America. They are related to African violets and come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. Gesneriads are epiphytes, which means that they grow on other plants or objects. One of the most popular gesneriads is the Streptocarpus, which is also known as the cape primrose or African Violet. Streptocarpus are very easy to care for and make a great addition to any terrarium.

Rare Orchids
Orchids are a type of plant that is native to tropical regions all over the world. They come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. Orchids are epiphytes, which means that they grow on other plants or objects. One of the most popular varieties of orchids is the Phalaenopsis, which is also known as the moth orchid. Phalaenopsis make a great addition to any terrarium. You can see more orchids in our Terrarium Plant Library! >
These are just a few of the many rare and unusual plants that you can find for your terrarium. If you’re looking for something really different, then be sure to check out our Terrarium Plant Library! You’ll find a wide variety of rare and unusual plants that will make your terrarium stand out from the rest!