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Tag: Terrarium Plants

A unique and easy to maintain indoor house plant. The Philodendron Brasil is a great addition to any indoor garden space or terrarium. This tropical vine features large lime green leaves.
A tropical wonder with disc shaped emereld green leaves featuring unique silver rays throughout. Calethea Orbifolia are a great indoor houseplant and also do well in terrariums.
An excellent houseplant and terrarium plant. The Pearls and Jade Pothos features blotchy white and green leaves with specks throughout.
A stunning terrarium compatible plant with crinkled and rippled leaf texture and a mesmerising mosaic tile pattern through its leaf colouring.
A tropical semi-succulent and compact plant that grows well in terrariums. Dark emerald green leaves can often change to bright red colour.
A popular houseplant, the Tradescantia Zebrina makes for an excellent terrarium plant too. Sometimes referred to as the inchplant.

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Miniature Garden Pond, Accessories, Fairy Resin Terrarium, Glass Terrarium Decor

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