Philodendrons Are Great Terrarium Plants
Philodendrons in terrariums – Philodendron plant varieties are great for terrariums as they don’t mind the moist environment and happily grow without much soil or nutrients.
Philodendron plants will grow in pretty much any lighting condition. We’ve seen our philodendrons thrive in low light and sunny positions.
Philodendron varieties work great in terrariums because of their hardiness and ability to grow without much light and in small tight spaces.

In saying that, they do grow slower in low light. It is worth knowing that philodendron plants generally thrive when they get a fair amount of light, so if you plan on adding philodendron plants to your terrarium, be sure to let them soak up the sun every once and a while.
Caring for Philodendrons in Terrariums
How much light do Philodendrons need in terrariums?
Not a lot of light is needed to keep your Philodendrons happy but if you want them growing at a faster pace, a bit of light here and there will definitely keep your Philodendrons thriving. In terrariums, Philodendrons tend to grow at a good pace when placed in low to medium lighting conditions. Closed terrariums benefit from lower lighting conditions to avoid Philodendron plants from overcrowding your terrarium container.
How much water do Philodendrons need?
Philodendrons do well with a moderate amount of water when in pots and planters, however in terrariums, there often isn’t much drainage, if any at all, so be sure to sparingly water your Philodendrons to avoid waterlogging. While Philodendrons survive when placed in water, you don’t want them to rot amongst soggy substrate.
What about temperature and humidity?
Not too cold, and not too hot. Philodendrons thrive in warm and moist conditions and so do well in terrarium environments. If your terrarium is open, be sure to water every once and a while to keep your Philodendrons thriving, especially if there isn’t much substrate or soil to hold water.
What soil or substrate can I use with my philodendrons in terrariums?
Soil is always best, but you will still see your Philodendrons grow (though slowly) when placed in water alone. A good indoor potting mix will do the trick, and additions like perlite for good aeration will help those Philodendrons spread their roots. Terrariums don’t lend themselves much space for soil, but this is okay for Philodendron plants so long as they are able to take in the water they need. A neat trick is to lay a layer of stones or pebbles at the bottom of your terrarium so water can drain below. Philodendrons will over time grow their roots to reach into the water reservoir.
Where to Buy Philodendron Plants for Terrariums
You can often find philodendron plant varieties in your local gardening stores. If you want to try online, Amazon and eBay always tend to have listings from local sellers who are looking to sell on their philodendrons. They are a low-cost plant that thrives in indoor environments, so well worth stocking up on.
Terrarium Plant Library
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Why not check out our terrarium plant library for some inspiration.