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How to grow and care for Tillandsia Guatemala air plants in terrariums

Tillandsia Guatemala Air Plant

A popular air plant with spiky leaves and a silvery appearance. When about to flower, these amazing air plants change to a shade of deep red before flowering yellow, purple or white.

Tillandsia Guatemala Air Plant

A popular air plant with spiky leaves and a silvery appearance. When about to flower, these amazing air plants change to a shade of deep red before flowering yellow, purple or white.

Type: Air Plant | Size: It grows fast and can produce a clump of offsets in a relatively short amount of time., 10cm

How to grow and care for Tillandsia Guatemala:

What soil should I use for Tillandsia Guatemala plants?

No soil required as air plants absorb water through their leaves.

Ideal Lighting Conditions for Tillandsia Guatemala:

Bright direct light

Ideal Temperatue Conditions for Tillandsia Guatemala:

Prefer warm sunny conditions.

Ideal Watering Conditions for Tillandsia Guatemala:

Mist the plant with lukewarm water once or twice every week.

Ideal Humidity Conditions for Tillandsia Guatemala:

60% to 72%

Growing Tillandsia Guatemala in terrariums:

Air plants in general are stunning fets of nature and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Air plants are epiphytes so they don’t need soil to survive, and absorb water through their leaves. Air plants work well in open terrariums as one of the best ways to water them is a quick dunk in some clean water then allowing to dry.

Air plants generally do better in open terrariums, allowing for easier access for quick watering, and avoidiing allowing the air plant to rot away in high moisture environments, a risk in closed terrariums.

Common issues: Drying out if not watered, not receiving enough sunlight, and overwatering or humidity that is too high.

Propogation: Propagate tillandsia Guatemala with seed or pups.

Where to buy Tillandsia Guatemala:

Tillandsia Guatemala on Amazon >

Tillandsia Guatemala on Ebay AU >

Tillandsia Guatemala on eBay US >

Tillandsia Guatemala on Etsy AU > 

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